My style

My style

The project that made me love architecture again

Having graduated as an architect in France in 2012, I set off with my bag on my back to travel around Vietnam with the aim of filling myself with emotions and ideas.

While working on many modern projects in various agencies, I refined my style in the background during my travels to Southeast Asia.

In 2018, I put architecture aside for a few months to start creating a studio for custom lamps with a French partner. This studio is still running.

At the same period my previous clients have reconnected with me to give me the chance to work with them again, they allowed me free space to my imagination and brought me back the desire to work in architecture.

Without telling you more about my journey, I would like to share with you only the project which best represents my know-how and the current outcome of my search for style.

A mixture of Asian and Western cultures, enriched by my travels, playing tricks between Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and French elements.

Located in the heart of a landscape of rice fields and karst pythons, in Nothern Vietnam, there was an already very charming boutique hotel with a reception, a restaurant and bungalows.

The vegetation is lush all around the resort. However, within the confines of the place, thanks to the gardening talents of the owner, we are dealing with a perfectly composed garden, where the large plants are carefully chosen and placed to shelter the smaller, more fragile plants and flowers.

However, the restaurant stood out from the rest of the resort, in that it was not surprisingly practical nor well decorated. My mission was to enhance the design of the restaurant by completely rethinking the interior and by adding a terrace.

I designed new windows, new tables, new chairs. I kept what was already good and changed what was old fashioned. I opened views, playing with lights and shadows, while closing other spaces to give more privacy.

Realizing that it was going to be complicated to let each participant follow their usual operating mode for modern projects, I had to study the methods of spatulated tadelakt coating, wood aging, and I had to beg the manufacturers many times to break out of their habits.

But it was not enough, some details that I had in mind could not be found or manufactured in the region. It so happened that I had been running a concrete workshop at the same time since 2015.

So, I set up a tiling assembly line within this workshop to make the floors with our own hands. After a few failures, the result was beyond what I hoped for.

The clients were so happy with the result that they decided to give me the chance to design the new deluxe villas of the same resort.

Two singles private villas, and one building receiving 3 others deluxe rooms. One colleague took care to do the structure, outside walls and roofs, I was focusing on interior design.

Not knowing if another opportunity would present itself to me again, I put all my heart into the work. Drawing everything in detail, from floor tiles to ceilings, from door handles to tailor made furniture. From describing painting technics to choosing the methods to age wood.

From positioning lights to picking ceramics in the stores. Materials, colors, ambiances, almost everything was custom designed and tailor-made.

Then Covid arrived, and when the overall design was almost finished I had to redouble my efforts to bring as much precision as possible to my drawings so that the construction went as smoothly as possible.

Because yes, I followed the site remotely, holding daily meetings with clients and contractors to ensure that everything went smoothly and without a hitch.

Recalling the old times, this project aims to be timeless and without belonging to a particular style. This is a recipe that suits to a Boutique hotel where the nice owners wanted to create a haven of peace.

Giving to the clients the opportunity to relax and forget the bustling city for a few days.

Because I recently relocated to a new place, still without any local partner, I am not able to provide architecture services at the moment. So I decided to focus my energy on

our lamps creations

improving my skills in 3d visualization

However, specialized in interior design and decoration, I am still attentive to any job offer within architecture firms working on simple or complex projects, small or large.

Combining my skills with your experience I would be delighted to contribute in leading projects to a success for your clients. Thank you for taking the time to read me this far.